Advantages of Online Examination System
In today’s digital world online examination is getting very popular in educational institutes as well. Online examination in common language means conduction of class tests and other periodic exams online to measure student’s performance. Traditionally, these tests and exams were conducted through written tests or by viva. Students used to gather in one examination area and were given printed question papers to solve and write answers on provided answer sheets in allotted time. These answer sheets were evaluated in some time and students were updated with their marks.

Since the introduction of Online Examination System, this process has changes a bit. Now students instead of writing on answer sheets login to the online examination system solve the questions and submit their answers respectively. Evaluation is done online and even results are published with ease.
Advantages of Online Examination System –
Following are the advantages for an educational institute in using Online Examination System Module from School Management Software
Environment Friendly – Since this module conducts exams online hence this reduces the use of pen and paper. Reduce of Paper means it reduces cutting of trees which directly helps the environment. Students also feel they are being a part in making an effort for the environmental change.
Saves Time – Evaluation process gets simpler and saves time of evaluators. Evaluator submits the answer keys which once entered in the online examination system cross checks all answer sheets and displays result in no time.
Technology Forwarded – Young generation likes change and they are more friendly in using mobiles , laptops and new gadgets and they take up this change of examination system positively.
Reduces Labor Cost – This system reduces the use of resources like teachers sitting and conducted exams in examination rooms. No use of non teaching staff as well. All this reduces the cost of conduction examination for any educational institute.
Reduction of overheads – This system also reduces overhead costs like printing of question papers, answer sheets, hall tickets etc.
Secure – Online examination system is more secure since it works on one to one module. No Cheating; no error in questions. Results are also provided to individuals hence one gets to know about their performance individually.